Damage in vehicles

The State of Israel is considered to be one of the technologically advanced countries, but due to historical regulations, the country did not adopt yet advanced regulations of customer service, especially in the field of transportation. Every user of a vehicle (private, commercial, public, mechanical, etc.) knows that when he sufers damage, whether as a result of a manufacturing defect in his vehicle or due to a faulty service of the garage, he does not have the technical tools to deal with these bodies. This is where the Institue of Failure Analysis (IFA) may assists this end user, since IFA conducts tests designed to examine various malfunctions in a variety of vehicle systems. Up to date more than 4,000 inspections have been done in this field (examples below).

Similarly, it often happens that the driver, performs unusual driving activities (such as jumping with his vehicle) or does not maintain his vehicle as guided (i.e, oil and filters replacement), which lead to a car malfunction! Here IFA may assists the local agency or the garage - and by the aid of laboratory tests - verifies the improper operation or maintenance (examples below).

IFA, through its engineering subsidiary, Matrix Engineering Ltd., has performed a research concerning the comparison of original (O.E.M) and replacement parts of vehicles; This work was adopted by the Ministry of Transport (MOT) in Israel as a binding procedure (guiding rules 07/07 of MOT) during its period.

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